
Course Description

This training reviews the various UIFSA case processing concepts. By the end of this training, participants will be able to: (1) Identify the process to determine a controlling order; (2) Determine the controlling order, if any, for a support case; (3) Identify the key factor for performing a reconciliation of arrears (ROA) calculation; (4) Determine the state with continuing exclusive jurisdiction (CEJ), if any, for a support case; (5) Explain the exceptions surrounding CEJ; (6) Identify which state's law to use when establishing paternity or a support order, or to modify a support order in an intergovernmental case; (7) Identify which state's law controls the duration of a support order; and (8) Recognize the nondisclosure requirements to intergovernmental support cases. Training will be measured through participation in a self-assessment.

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