
Course Description

Participants will learn about manufacturing today and into the future, career opportunities in advanced manufacturing and pathways to training in manufacturing. You will understand the fundamentals of advanced manufacturing and how digital technologies are re-inventing the way we make things. You will learn the basics on how to operate and program an industrial and collaborative robot through hands-on training. You will explore the various career pathways available to you in advanced manufacturing without obtaining a college degree. Successful completion of this training will result in a micro-credential and pave the way to more workforce training such as FANUC Certified Robot Operation & Programming and intermediate programming available in smart manufacturing (PLCs, digital/computer-aided design, automation and data concepts)

PLEASE NOTE: Registration/class is on a first come/first serve basis and is limited to the first 8 registered. Participants that register after the class is filled, will be given first choice for our next introduction to advanced manufacturing class summer 2024.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Feb 24, 2025 to Feb 27, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $0.00
Section Notes

Location:  Penn State Beaver
100 University Drive
Monaca, PA 15061
Fee: All fees will be waived and covered by U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration grant
Additional details on class location to follow.  



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