
Course Description

This training program will overview diabetes facts, demonstrate proper procedure for insulin administration, complete competency for insulin administration, complete competency for insulin administration, demonstrate proper procedure for blood glucose monitoring, complete competency for blood glucose monitoring, and include medication demonstrations (oral and injections).

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Apr 02, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $149.00
Section Notes

Required Training Materials

In order to complete the demo injection lab, the student must acquire the materials below prior to the training.

    Insulin needle with safety syringe (1ml) 29G x ½
    Insulin Pen – Pen needles
    Training insulin or saline vial
    Inject-Ed Injection trainer or an orange
    Glucose meter
    Alcohol prep pads

*Please keep all supplies secured in a lockbox prior to and after training to avoid unnecessary medication errors. Follow your facilities policy regarding proper disposal of insulin needles.

You can find supplies required to complete the hands-on demonstration at these e-commerce sites

Participants must pass the demonstration successfully to receive certificate.

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