
Course Description

Individual courses to broaden the knowledge of accountants and tax practitioners in order to relate particular specialties to the field of accounting. 
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May 01, 2025
Course Fee(s)
Registration Fee non-credit $39.00
Additional Fee(s)
Section Notes

Role of Divorce

Upon registration, you will receive a link via email and login directions to the online classroom and materials the Friday before the first session of class. All course materials are provided electronically. Thank you for choosing Penn State Beaver. You will receive an email containing information for the course a week prior to the start date. Full refunds will be made only if a cancellation is received at least one week prior to the first day of the course(s). If cancellation notice is received less than one week before the first day of the course(s), a $25 cancellation fee will apply. No refunds will be given for cancellation/withdrawal requests after the course start date. The University reserves the right to cancel course selections. If the course is cancelled, the student will be issued a full refund.

Beaver Attorney CLE Fee $4-Must select to receive CLE credits. This option can be added once the course is in the cart.

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